Sterling Hills is strongly in support of Junior Golf. We are proud to be in partnership with the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) to be a host site for Youth on Course.
By joining YOC, golfers 18 and under are eligible to play Sterling Hills for $5 during non-holiday weekdays and after twilight on holidays and weekends. For practicing purposes, a medium basket of range balls is just $2.
Unfortunately, tee times cannot be made in advance. All play is on a space available basis. It is suggested that players call earlier in the day to get a sense of when we might be able to accommodate you.
Players who make tee times in contravention of this policy will be expected to pay our normal junior rate.
The exception would be if playing with a parent. Parents may make tee times in advance if playing with one or more juniors.
(This program is for walkers only. No cart availability for Youth On Course players, even with a valid driver’s license.)
For more information, please visit and click on Affordable Access.